Sunday, October 21, 2012
I recently discovered the reason why so many people's bodies are unable to digest milk is because technically once an infant no longer needs milk as food the body is not supposed to be able to break down the milk. To scientists it is abnormal to be able to digest milk after 2-5 years of age. Scientists have decided to not think of Lactose intolerant as an abnormality but rather believe lactase persistence is not normal because it's odd that humans can consume milk. There has been some type of genetic mutation in the human body to allow most of us to continue digesting milk on a daily basis. when i discovered this i found it really odd because you usually hear how milk is good for you and that you should drink lots of it to help your teeth and bones. To read that were technically aren't supposed to be drinking milk after the age 5 comes surprising to me. I can't imagine not drinking milk because i love milk and i drink it everyday so i'm glad to hear that our human bodies are capable of consuming and breaking down the milk. i don't think i could live without my cup of milk a day and i'm sure all those milk lovers out there agree with me and it doesn't seem normal to hear that drinking milk really isn't normal! It's mind blowing the things our bodies can do!
Wednesday, October 17, 2012
Chocolate gone bad!
I once believed that Mars chocolate was one of the best chocolates that I have had until a few months back. I had gone to the convenience store to buy a Mars bar because i had that sudden urge for chocolate. As i was walking home from the store i had opened it up not even thinking to look at it i started to eat it which was such a stupid thing! After a big bite of it i realized it didn't taste so good and what do you know the chocolate bar was WHITE and the inside of it looked horrible. The taste in my mouth was unbearable and i had to quickly spit it out. Ever since that incident I can't eat a Mars bar without feeling sick. I learned my lesson ALWAYS look before you put something in your mouth, I learned the hard way. :( Mars bars went from being my favorite chocolate to being one that can make me sick in a matter of seconds.
Tuesday, October 9, 2012
Study links diet soda to cardiovascular risk
February 9th, 2011, 12:41 pm · · posted by LANDON HALL, OCREGISTER.COM
A study out of the University of Miami and presented at the American Stroke Association’s international conference in Los Angeles on Wednesday showed that subjects who drank diet soda on a daily basis had a 61 percent greater risk of suffering a stroke or heart attack than those who didn’t drink soda at all.
You’d think that the risk of a cardiovascular event would be even greater among those who drank regular high-calorie soda, but this group showed no higher risk than the non-soda-drinkers.
ABC News has an exhaustive explanation of the study, while notes the possibility that there’ssomething in caramel, which gives cola its dark color, that could be to blame.
But the study’s authors note that there’s still a lot we don’t know, and the research has enough flaws that we shouldn’t assume diet soda is a killer. For one, the study relied on data covering a diverse population of New Yorkers: About 75 percent of the subjects were black or Hispanic, groups that are at higher risk than whites of cardiovascular disease.
Another factor that could skew the results: Although researchers knew the caloric intake of the subjects, they didn’t examine their eating habits. How many of us have ever seen someone at a fast-food joint who orders a giant burger and fries, then a tub of diet soda?
“In my 20 years of clinical practice, patients who consume diet soda tend to have more of a sweet tooth; to get more sweet cravings; to eat more foods with added sugar; and to like and eat more processed food than patients who avoid both regular and diet soda,” Dr. David Katz, director of Yale University’s Prevention Research Center, told ABC News.
:o WHAAAT! was my first reaction when i read this article. I along with tons of other people always figured getting a diet soda would be better and healthier for us! To think that people who drink diet soda as appose to regular soda have a high risk of suffering from a stroke or heart attack. Of course as the article says they are not aware of what the people who drink the diet soda and were tested have been eating along with the diet soda so that may have a huge impact of the greatness of the heart attack but there is a trend for people who drink diet soda. This article proves to me that no matter diet or regular soda, POP is bad for you and it should not be considered an everyday drink with your meal. I personally LOVE pop and i could drink it all the time but to think if they say diet pop is supposed to be better for you then imagine what regular pop could do especially with all that junk food we consume everyday! YIKES, better re think ordering pop with my meal from now on.
Monday, October 1, 2012
Delicious, Delicious, Delicious
Last week, Wednesday I had gone out for dinner with several friends. We had call decided on eating at Moxie's which I was extremely excited for because I had not been in so long and from what I could remember the food was AMAZING. I was correct! I had ordered a pasta dish once again called the herb chicken Alfredo. I wasn't sure if I should try something different from pasta because pasta is usually all I get when I eat out but I'm glad I didn't because that dish was amazing. It was not pricey either which made it even better. I loved the Alfredo sauce on the noodles and topped off with cheese made my mouth water! I knew I had tried that exact dish about A year ago and loved it then and even now it's still yummy! definitely a dish I recommend for everyone who is or isn't a pasta lover to try it. You wont regret it. This dish was the main reason i started getting only pasta dishes at restaurants, it's SO good. :)
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