Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Chocolate gone bad!

I once believed that Mars chocolate was one of the best chocolates that I have had until a few months back. I had gone to the convenience store to buy a Mars bar because i had that sudden urge for chocolate. As i was walking home from the store i had opened it up not even thinking to look at it i started to eat it which was such a stupid thing! After a big bite of it i realized it didn't taste so good and what do you know the chocolate bar was WHITE and the inside of it looked horrible. The taste in my mouth was unbearable and i had to quickly spit it out. Ever since that incident I can't eat a Mars bar without feeling sick. I learned my lesson ALWAYS look before you put something in your mouth, I learned the hard way. :( Mars bars went from being my favorite chocolate to being one that can make me sick in a matter of seconds.

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